
How to find a Good Web Hosting Provider I

I am an anlayst programmer in a Multi-layer network marketing company. My company sells videos on the internet. Our videos are seminar videos, hence the quality of video streaming is paramount, in order to give the best quality of video for our clients, we ought to ensure the quality of video is smooth, therefore the video hosting server is the main aspect.

I would like to share with everyone, who is looking for good video or web hosting server.

For those, who have no idea what web-hosting is, you have come to the right place.

Important aspect, such as whether the hosting provider does provide round the clock technical support. In case, your server is down, action to recover or restore can be taken immediately, to reduce the lost.

Another aspect is, the allowed traffic volume.There are Unlimited and Limited traffic volume to your website. If the your website is going to have high traffic volume, you may consider to choose the unlimited traffic restriction. This is to ensure you can avoid from paying a fortune for unexpected high traffic.

If your website is ASP or ASP.Net technology, make sure, you subscribe a Window-Hosting service instead of Linux-hosting. Operating system is another point should be taken consider, when you want to host dynamic website, such as JSP, Php, ASP or ASP.Net.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FInding a good web hosting providing us really crucial task and everyone needs this type of knowledge before selecting a good hosting services,Website Hosting