
Microsoft Window Blue Screen of Death and Possible Teething Problems

Every new product will definitely have teething problems, so have the IPhone II.

On 1st of September, SkyQuestCom Global will proudly introduce 1 new product to India and International Market(note:India is non-international market, in the context of SkyQuestCom) that is IT-Learning Channel. It has lots of lots of tutorial videos, which are pertaining to Information-Technolgy.

In conjuction with this new product, we also introduce 1 new package to each market. The products, namely Personal Development and Success Mastery are to be served for 2 major markets. Personal Developement is for India only. For Sucesss Mastery, only International Users(except Japan & India) can subscribe to this package.

Well, you know, many times teething problems is likely to be happened. Indeed, you even the largest software company in the world, which is Microsoft Corporation could not be excepted either.

Well, not convincing? Check out the video. The Window 98 showed the Blue Screen of Death, during the presentation with Bill Gate.

So to India and International users, please bear with me. Of course, we had paid our relentless effort to mitigate the posibility of errors/bugs happen in our new website.

Guys, enjoy!

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