
Single Jar Scripts for Packaging JavaFX Application

Every JavaFX project in the NetBeans IDE has a file called build.xml in its main directory. Open this file and add the following text to the end, just before the < /project> closing tag:

< target name="package-for-store">
<echo message="packaging up ${}"/>

<!-- the name of your app, minus the .jar extension. should not have spaces.
or use the default (the name of your app)
<property name="" value="MyApp"/>

<attribute name="Main-Class" value="${main.classname}"/>
<zip destfile="final/${}.jar">
<zipfileset src="final/temp_final.jar" excludes="META-INF/*.SF, META-INF/*.DSA, META-INF/*.RSA"/>


To use this, first edit the preceding and main.classname properties. Then do a clean and build from within NetBeans. From the command line, you can then run ant package-for-store. This will grab the final jar and its support libraries from the dist dir. It will recompress them into a single jar and strip any signatures.

This final jar will be in the final directory, and it will be named based on the properties listed earlier.

Google Wave出發!

谷歌剛剛在Google I/O 2009,發布了Google Wave.再一次把云端計算推入高峰!Google Wave,這個由Google的澳洲團隊制造的,整合了文字, 文件, 圖片, 影像, 地圖, 遊戲, 郵件, Gadget 等多種內容
每個人可以同時編輯之前別人或自己說過的話, 並加上連結/圖片/影片, etc
還有能加快輸入, 使用自然語言處理技術的即時拼字建議及校正功能。

另一個重點就是可以透過 API 與其他網路服務互動
像是把 Twitter or Facefook 嵌入 Google Wave中使用。



微軟剛剛在D7 Reference發表 Windows Live Search 的後繼服務 Bing預定在未來幾天向全世界公開 ~ 並成為 微軟日後搜尋相關的代表品牌!


Window 7 Managed API

Hello folks, Window 7 RC had been released. Window 7 RC received positive feedbacks from most of the users.

Most Windows 7 APIs are written in native code C, C++, and COM APIs, and have no .Net equivalents.

This makes the life of managed code developers a bit hard, forcing them to create their own interoperability layers for communicating between .NET and the native Windows APIs. Some native APIs are easy to wrap and use from managed code, requiring simple interoperability efforts like adding a reference to a COM type library. However, some are extremely problematic and require a lot of knowledge about the “Win32” programming style. That is exactly why the Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework was created.

Click here for more info.

Happy programming!


新的 Java API 文檔社區問世!

DocWeb 團隊很高興地宣布,DocWeb 2.0 即將正式推出在6月1日。 5月15日至6月1日是試用期間,您可以對DocWeb 2.0 新功能試用、評價並提供反饋。請訪問 DocWeb 2.0 開始使用。

DocWeb 2.0 有一個功能豐富的用戶界面是符合 Sun 開發者網絡。它已明顯改善了 DocWeb 1.0 。 了解詳細清單的功能和'如何'指南可訪問幫助。此版本是嚴格的評估版,任何現在的貢獻都不會遷移到最終版本,您可以放心試用。

DocWeb 團隊一直致力於提供一個用戶提供無縫的互動工具。我們非常重視易用性和貢獻,並為改善用戶體驗不懈努力。作為一個DocWeb用戶,您有機會來分享您的寶貴意見,通過點擊 DocWeb 主頁中的“發送反饋”鏈接或透過發行跟踪工具報告錯誤。

歡迎來到 DocWeb 2.0 新的世界並感謝你使它取得成功!


Ubuntu 9.04 Manual for Window XP users

Tom's Hardware had created a 17 pages long manual for Window's user to install and set up Ubuntu 9.04 on their computers. So, for those who want to get their feet wet, you may read the step-by-step manual by Tom's Hardware.

Enjoy exploring!

Click here to see the manual



早些时候,IBM大势发布将要收购Sun Microsystem,怎么知道真命天子是Oracle。那现在呢,据Eden观察,Red Hat, 呃,不是要收购,而是要被收购,被IBM收购。

从短期来看,Redhat的Enterpirse Server系列产品及Jboss在经济危机时期,反而有更坚实的市场需求。同时,RedHat正在强化他的销售队伍并加强了对美国政府机构IT系统的营销并取得不错的效果。大部分企业在所受的调查中表示,将在未来增加 RedHat Enterprise Server的使用。


3.IBM能够养得起 Redhat的开发者们。

JRE on Firefox

Konnichiwa, o-genki desu ka? Just read a blog from Sun. Should your Firefox browser fail to find JRE, yet you are sure that your JRE is installed, then you can do as followings:

Open ~/.mozilla/plugins directory, Window User can type %appdata%/mozilla/plugins/ on your Run

If there was no So creating the link finally solved the issue for me.

In short, if you don't see Java plugin, do the following:
ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- /home/murlee/.mozilla/plugins/

Happy trying, cheers!


Google Chrome 准备就绪!

看来Mozilla火狐超越IE的市场份额在不久将会成为事实。但是Mozilla火狐不可以不防备Google Chrome,这个程咬金。

对啊,你/妳可能会认为,如果Mozilla得防备的话,那早就应该是Opera,但是笔者认为Google Chrome的条件比起Opera,更得天独厚。

先ず,Google Chrome,它有Google撑腰。在宣传方面,Google作为一番搜索引擎可以利用自身的条件来加以宣传。

其次,对,Google Chrome现在呢还没有扩展(Extension),但是不代表在未来将来的不会有。而且现在Google Chrome 开始支持扩展了, 这是好事情.Chromium 开发文档就放出了两个Sample 扩展:Gmail Checker, Subscribe in Google Reader. 给各位开发者作为参考!

在看看,Chrome是开源的哦,Opera在这方面就做不到。加上,Google Chrome干净而且速度快, 看着就舒服.
所以呢,笔者大胆预测未来是FF, Chrome和IE的三国时代!

Fly in the ointment就是Google Chrome还不支援Linux和Mac。

刚刚提到Google Chrome支持扩展(Extension)了。想要使用这两个Sample 扩展, 必须先做好如下准备:

1. 使用最新版本的Chrome dev channel。

2. 在你的Chrome 快捷方式的"目标" 后面加入 --enable-extensions 代码。

现在, 你便可以前往Chromium 开发文档里下载Sample 扩展了, 超级方便的是, 如同Firefox 安装扩展方式一样, 点击安装即可弹出对话框询问是否安装, 点击确定即可安装成功

第一个扩展Gmail Checker

第二个扩展是 Subscribe in Google Reader

如果想了解扩展怎么做出来的, 可以参考开发文档的"Chrome Extension HOWTO"


Mozilla预测2013年将会超越IE现在的浏览器的市场份额,而成为冠军!这是Mozilla的社区开发主任Asa Dotzler在其博客中所做的预测,据他说是在仔细分析了自2004年以来,也就是Firefox首次发布以来的浏览器市场数据之后做出的预测。






找 hosting 找 Exabytes

朋友刚刚要搞个网站,网站关于要关于他的公司的业务,那。。。。。。照片,写真,映画都很重要,正所谓Image speaks thousand words, so are videos, kekekeke.




Google Maps Malaysia Event

The Google team would like to invite you to a Google Maps Developer & Networking Session on Thursday 14th May in Kuala Lumpur to meet members of the Google team in Southeast Asia, and to learn more about our Maps and Earth products.

Please RSVP in the form on the right with your intention to attend, as well as a little bit about your technical experience so we can better tailor the event to your needs.

The event is FREE, and we'll serve some light refreshments during the evening.

Space is very limited and so please do RSVP clearly by clicking RSVP.

Thanks and looking forward to seeing you all at the event.

The Google Maps Team

Time: 4pm - 8pm, Thursday 14th May.
Location: No Black Tie, 17 Jalan Mesui, Kuala Lumpur

Any questions or inquiries please contact Derek Callow, Southeast Asia Marketing, Google,


Life at GooglePlex




光陰似箭,不知不覺又到五月了。剛剛看了谷歌的活動表,下個月,谷歌Developer Day 2009, 將會先在北京舉行,接下來横浜,然后Sao Paulo。

今年,如果有機會的話,筆者打算到Sydney,或臺北的谷歌Developer Day 2009, provided that,谷歌Developer Day 2009將會在這兩個地方舉行。當然筆者希望谷歌Developer Day 2009能在馬來西亞舉辦。

除此之外,Open Source Conference 將會在大馬舉行。詳情請按

Facebook Open Stream API

Google Calendar Javascript API

谷歌开发工程师Austin Chau对如何使用 JavaScript Client Library和Google Calendar Data API作一介绍。


Norwegian Browser turned 15

Back in 1994, 2 computer engineers sat at their desks in a research lab in what is today Telenor, Norway’s telecommunications incumbent, itching to begin a new project. They were going to build their own Web browser. Those first keystrokes would become Opera, the browser that has set — and continues to set — the standard for browser innovation.

Jon von Tetzchner, the CEO of Opera Software, and Geir Ivarsøy began coding the original desktop Web browser in April 1994. Today, there are approximately 40 million people use Opera on their Windows, Mac and Linux computers.

Well, if you are browsing my Blog with IE, please read this page.


Online Scanner 4.0 Released by F-Secure

Guess what, besides Kaspersky, Panda and TrendMicro, no other big names like them do provide Online Scanner service for non-Internet Explorer users! Well, F-Secure just join into this bandwagon, yahoo! F-Secure Online Scanner 4.0 is able to run on Gecko's based browser(E.g. Mozilla Firefox 3.0), in addition to Trident based Browser(E.g. Internet Explorer).

For more information, please log on here and scan your computer today, let your computers free from mal-wares now!

Enjoy Scanning!